*Pictured is a group that went to downtown GR to be featured on the Wood TV news channel in 2017 and the group of be nice. officers and advisors for the 2020/21 school year at Grandville High School.*
The be nice. organization has had a tremendous impact on my life. I have been involved in this group since seventh grade and I want to continue making it a big part of my life. Be nice. is an organization that aims to implement its four-step action plan wherever it can. It is mostly in K-12 education in West Michigan. This group focuses on mental health awareness and advocacy, reducing the stigma surrounding mental health, suicide prevention, and anti-bullying. The be nice. action plan has four steps as follows: notice, invite, challenge, and empower. These steps encourage students to pay more attention to and be more aware of their peers. By noticing changes among peers, they can help prevent suicide and provide support. This is the purpose of the action plan that be nice. created. Be nice. often speaks in schools and businesses. However, they are not involved in any colleges yet. Being such a big part of be nice. has allowed me to volunteer in so many ways and help others. I have volunteered at events at Grandville High School as well as other events for organizations in West Michigan. I have also learned leadership skills by being an officer when we had to plan meetings and activities. Be nice. has also taught me how to better take care of myself and those around me. It has provided a support system for me. Not having this organization implemented in any part of Central Michigan University has had an influence on me that I have noticed. Because of the significance and success of the be nice. organization, I will be starting a be nice. RSO here at CMU. I can't wait to help others help themselves and raise the spirits of students. Mental health is extremely important to me and needs to be talked about more. I think starting this RSO will be nothing but beneficial to the students here and possibly even the staff, faculty, and administration.
